Melania Trump Tried to Make #Powerofthefirstlady Hashtag Happen. It Didn't.

Melania Trump Tried to Make #Powerofthefirstlady Hashtag Happen. It Didn't.

Ah, Melania. She's taken over the FLOTUS account and in an attempt to create some distance from her usual car selfies and private plane pics and get down with the kids, our first lady has created a hashtag.

In her short but sweet seven-tweet series, Melania has tried several times to make #Powerofthefirstlady a thing and it's just not happening. It began with this, a picture of Melania pausing gracefully outside the Morakami Museum in Florida:

And continued in a tweet thanking model Emily Ratajkowski for standing up for her in the face of slut shaming.

But alas, the people of Twitter were not here for that kind of lifestyle. Not even a little.

And finally:

Bye Melania, babe.

[h/t Nylon]
Image via Twitter