Here's How to Attend Shia LaBeouf's New Theater School

Here's How to Attend Shia LaBeouf's New Theater School

Shia LaBeouf is opening a theater school, but it's not like other theatre schools, man. It's different. In a video posted on Twitter today, the actor and performance artist declares that "you don't even have to be an actor" to enroll. You do, however, "have to have a story that you're willing to share."

The school, Slauson Recreation Centre, will open this weekend in Los Angeles. LaBeouf is collaborating with fellow actors Bobby Soto and Shelley Mitchell in the venture. Anyone is welcome to attend, with some disclaimers:

"All I ask of you is that you show up and stay for one hour," LaBeouf explains. "If you don't like it, leave. If you do like it, I'll be there next Saturday. I'll be there every Saturday from 9 AM, building shit with whoever shows up. I'm trying to change the world, if you are too let's get it."

Meet and greets will run for the next two weekends, with commencement on September 22. From there classes continue until early November. Course materials are already available online –– exercises include "the circle," where students are explicitly instructed to move together "until you have made a beautiful circle. Not an oval."

There's no indication of whether or not paper bags will be part of the curriculum.

Photo via Getty